Everything is made up of hours, minutes or seconds. Briefly time. When the time limit for a certain thing is up, that would be the demise of it. If you look at something long lasting and sturdy thing like plastic, even if it stays un-decayed for 500 years or so it would still vanish somehow sooner or later. If you look at something fragile like piece of tissue it would also disappear within a short time. In the end both their fates had been the same.
Everything that has been created has an end. This is the well known law which governs the universe and everything that’s in it. This applies for living things as well as lifeless synthetic things (materials). A specific time limit is given to each and every object that has come to existence. Some have short amount of time, while others retain extensive amount of time.
Time is like a dynamite bomb which has been ignited, right before your eyes the line grows shorter until it’s completely over and the dynamite explodes…………
The most significant point here is not the time limit which an entity has, but how the specific given time is used by that existed entity.
The prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “there are two blessings which many people do not make the most of and thus lose out: GOOD HEALTH AND FREE TIME”. (Narrated by Bukhari 6412)
Human beings or the homo-sapiens has been the individuals dominating the earth since the existence. The important aspect which enabled the human being to dominate the earth is because of the intellect power he posses. He can either use this intellectual ability to use the specific brief amount of time he posses judiciously or squander it. The choice is totally unto him to decide.
Millions who lived before have died; millions are on the verge of taking in their last breath as we speak. Soon it will come to our turn. The end of time for a human being commonly referred to as death is approached closer to us by the passing of every second. This fact is as clear as the day turns to night and vice versa.
Allah the almighty, the most merciful didn’t just leave us after creation, he guided us to the right path, taught the things which we didn’t know, gave us unlimited benefits and favors. He sent us messengers among us to set an example and also showed us how to live our life with the given time we have. He gave us proofs, evidences, verses and revelation through these messengers just for the simple fact to worship him alone.
Take a deep breath and think about it, look around you for all the benefits and favors you have been given, are you being thankful or grateful for everything, or unappreciative. How many seconds in your precious time given to you have you spent in worshipping Allah, or doing what he has ordained for you to do. Is this the way you show him your gratitude?
[053:060] And you laugh at it and weep not,
[053:061] Wasting your (precious) lifetime in pastime and amusements (singing).
[053:062] So, fall you down in prostration to Allah and worship Him (Alone).
Some of us by claiming ourselves to be Atheists or polytheists commit the most sinful sin associating partners with Allah the almighty. Have we forgotten our purpose here? Have you forgotten that there is life after death, heaven and hell?
[051:056] And I (Allâh) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone).
[051:057] I seek not any provision from them (i.e. provision for themselves or for My creatures) nor do I ask that they should feed Me (i.e. feed themselves or My creatures).
[051:058] Verily, Allâh is the All-Provider, Owner of Power, the Most Strong.
Or is it that you want to obey your desires so much that it blinds you from the reality. Life is too precious to be wasting it, every second here counts. We are even short of time to decide. You know you have to leave. It’s either now or never, Decide now (warily) the CHOICE is YOURS?